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Pursue Your God-Given Calling!

You have gifts and talents that make you uniquely called to do what ONLY you can do and "speak" to only who you can connect to. Live passionately in your God-given calling!

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"Trust in the Lord with all your Heart, lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path."

As Believers in Christ we know that our life has purpose. But we don't always feel that way in the busyness of life. The truth is that God can use you anyplace you are, with the skills and talents you have now, and to whoever is your audience at the moment.

Take this 5 day journey to define your calling and begin to move in that calling. This journal includes engaging journal prompts, scriptures, and a prayer for each day to get deeper with the Lord.

5 Days to Pursue Your Calling!

Step into the depths to begin your journey to multiply your God-given talents!

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